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Tenant of Ontario


How do tenant request to review an order?

Any final order or decision of the Board, including Interim Orders that conclusively resolves an issue may be reviewed. A tenant may ask for a review of the order if they believe the Member made a "serious error" or if the tenant was not reasonably able to participate in the proceeding. It is important that the tenant understands that the Board will expect the tenant to explain the specific circumstances that prevented them from participating in their hearing.

How a successful tenant collect money from landlord?

If you were successful in obtaining an order from the Board for payment from your landlord, it is important to read the entire order to find out how to collect the money that is owed to the tenant. If you are living in the rental unit and the landlord does not pay when ordered to do so, the Board may authorize you to collect the money they are owed by deducting a specified sum from your monthly rent.